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Sewer Line Locating

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Why Is a Sewer Pipe Locator Required?

You should have sewer pipes located whenever you are looking to add a new bedroom or bath to your home. These lines, whether they are public or private, are very difficult to locate.

These buried sewer lines lay beneath the ground, so if you try locating them on your own, you might very well have to dig up your entire yard in the process.

The main danger that these underground sewer lines are capable of causing is contamination, disease from being exposed to sewage and damage to the environment. Sewer lines are also capable of getting pumped under pressure, causing hazards to water lines as a result. Furthermore, toxic and explosive gases are also present in these lines.

If you want to locate underground sewer pipes on your property, then there is only one service you should be calling, and that is Expert Service Locating! For more information, contact us now at 0420-346-477.

High-Tech Sewer Line Locating Equipment

The process of locating sewer lines underground requires state-of-the-art equipment and complex procedures which are only recommended if carried out by professionals.

We at Expert Service Locating are experts in the field of sewer line locating. Sewer pipe location is done by specialized tools that help out in locating non-metallic lines at up to 13 feet underground (roughly 4 metres).

Call Us Before You Dig!

If you are looking to do any building or digging on your property, then you should call us before you start your project. We will help you by making sure you don’t tamper with any underground sewer, water, gas or power and telecommunication lines during your work so that you can avoid unnecessary risks.

If you don’t pay serious attention to this matter, then you may well be prone to facing hazardous situations ahead.

A task as dangerous as sewer line locating shouldn’t be carried out by amateurs or non-professionals. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you leave the entire procedure up to us as we have trained specialists who know the ins and outs of the entire process and are capable of doing a fantastic job. So please don’t wait any longer and contact us now at 0420-346-477.

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